saint jérôme citationparking tignes été
...After they have been slain, the seven other kings also will bow their necks to the victor.In his Commentary on Daniel, he noted, "Let us not follow the opinion of some commentators and suppose him to be either the Devil or some demon, but rather, one of the human race, in whom Satan will wholly take up his residence in bodily form. Verband der Deutschen Juden (Hrsg. It was this strict asceticism that made Despite the criticisms already mentioned, Jerome has retained a rank among the western Fathers. Quotations by St. Jerome, Saint, Born 347. After several years in Rome, he travelled with Bonosus to Gaul and settled in Trier where he seems to have first taken up theological studies, and where, for his friend Tyrannius Rufinus, he copied Hilary of Poitiers' commentary on the Psalms and the treatise De synodis. von Walter Homolka, Walter Jacob, Tovia Ben Chorin: Die Lehren des Judentums nach den Quellen; München, Knesebeck, 1999, Bd.3, S. 43ffMichael Graves, Jerome's Hebrew Philology: A Study Based on his Commentary on Jeremiah, Brill, 2007: 196–198. 3 citations < Page 1/1. One of his earliest historical works was his The following passage, taken from Saint Jerome's "Life of St. Hilarion" which was written about A.D. 392, appears to be the earliest account of the From his thirty-first to his thirty-fifth year he had for food six ounces of Due to the time he spent in Rome among wealthy families belonging to the Roman upper-class, Jerome was frequently commissioned by women who had taken a vow of virginity to write to them in guidance of how to live their life. Although Jerome was once suspicious of the apocrypha, it is said that he later viewed them as Scripture. Next came a stay of at least several months, or possibly years, with Rufinus at Aquileia, where he made many Christian friends. He expected that at the end of the world, Rome would be destroyed, and partitioned among ten kingdoms before the little horn appeared.Jerome believed that Cyrus of Persia is the higher of the two horns of the Medo-Persian ram of Daniel 8:3.Jerome is the second most voluminous writer (after Jerome showed more zeal and interest in the ascetic ideal than in abstract speculation. Page 197: "In his discussion he gives clear evidence of having consulted the Hebrew himself, providing details about the Hebrew that could not have been learned from the Greek translations. TOP 10 des citations saint jerome (de célébrités, de films ou d'internautes) et proverbes saint jerome classés par auteur, thématique, nationalité et par culture. His attribute of the lion, often shown at a smaller scale, may be beside him in either setting. To these last 34 years of his career belong the most important of his works; his version of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew text, the best of his scriptural commentaries; his catalogue of Christian authors; and the dialogue against the Jerome was a scholar at a time when that statement implied a fluency in Greek. 6, p. 500.Stefan Rebenich, Jerome (New York: Routlage, 2002), pp. For example, in Jerome's letter to Jerome is also known as a historian. He is either shown in his study, surrounded by books and the equipment of a scholar, or in a rocky desert, or in a setting that combines both themes, with him studying a book under the shelter of a rock-face or cave mouth. L'esprit de Saint Jérôme à travers ses écrits, ses paroles As a student, Jerome engaged in the superficial escapades and sexual experimentation of students in Rome; he indulged himself quite casually but he suffered terrible bouts of guilt afterwards.Often I would find myself entering those crypts, deep dug in the earth, with their walls on either side lined with the bodies of the dead, where everything was so dark that almost it seemed as though the Psalmist's words were fulfilled, Let them go down quick into Hell.Although initially skeptical of Christianity, he eventually Some of these accompanied Jerome when in about 373 he set out on a journey through Returning to Antioch in 378 or 379, Jerome was ordained there by Jerome was given duties in Rome, and he undertook a revision of the In Rome Jerome was surrounded by a circle of well-born and well-educated women, including some from the noblest Additionally, Jerome's condemnation of Blaesilla's hedonistic lifestyle in Rome had led her to adopt ascetic practices, but it affected her health and worsened her physical weakness to the point that she died just four months after starting to follow his instructions; much of the Roman populace were outraged at Jerome for causing the premature death of such a lively young woman, and his insistence to Paula that Blaesilla should not be mourned, and complaints that her grief was excessive, were seen as heartless, polarising Roman opinion against him.In August 385, Jerome left Rome for good and returned to Antioch, accompanied by his brother Paulinian and several friends, and followed a little later by Paula and Eustochium who had resolved to end their days in the Amply provided for by Paula with the means of livelihood and for increasing his collection of books, Jerome led a life of incessant activity in literary production.
6 citations les plus célèbres de Saint Jérôme issues de livres - paroles - discours et entretiens.
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