I recognise echoes of myself in some of these traits (the music, the technology), and of plenty of other people: more than anything, his 10 years have brought me an ever-growing understanding of the complexities of human psychology, both among those diagnosed as “on the spectrum” and so-called “neurotypical” people.Unfortunately, the everyday world has yet to catch up. He said, ‘He’s spelled his name wrong – he’ll never be anything.’”This happened 45 years ago. In a way, she’s a mirror.”In 1984, after breaking his neck while trying to climb into a transit van that was pulling away, Street began three years in recovery.

Vous allez porter un autre regard sur votre vie, sur votre enfance. For example, they might not say “I love you” or show affection as often, because they don’t understand and express emotions as well as the typical person.If you decide to be in a relationship with someone who has Asperger’s or autism, it seems there are some things you have to consider to help the relationship work.

I must say that I found myself junping through tons of hoops to be able to say what I would like haha. Il n’y a qu’à voir la façon dont se comporte le personnage de Rain man, capable de compter 246 cure-dent en l’espace d’un coup d’œil, ou ceux qui passent leur journée à se balancer d’avant en arrière.La première fois où je me suis demandé si moi aussi, je pouvais être autiste Nous avions déjà son résultat pour son autisme, mais elle cherchait à déterminer si ses troubles étaient d’avantage dû à son haut potentiel, ou à son syndrome d’asperger.Lorsqu’elle se mettait à évoquer les difficultés de mon fils, je ne comprenais pas ce qu’elles avaient d’anormal. I’ve always blamed my epilepsy on that.” He started having grand mal seizures when he was 15; it is now estimated that around Street left school unable to read or write. I’d watch TV programmes that other people watched so I’d have something to talk about. From May 2012 until June 2013, he worked as the research centre’s artist-in-residence; immediately afterwards, a specialist gave him his formal diagnosis, a process that involved an interview and something akin to a questionnaire. His mother, he says, became pregnant with him when she was raped. In Adams’ case, passing took its toll and, in his late 30s, he hit an emotional wall.

If they went to a learning disability clinic, and they had an IQ above 70, they’d be turned away.

Comprendre davantage de chose sur vos réactions, que vous ne compreniez pas jusqu’à présent.Ce processus durera plus ou moins longtemps en fonction des personnes.L’important sera surtout ce que vous allez mettre en place dans votre vie.Les changements que vous apporterons le diagnostic seront subtiles, mais puissants.Je vous conseille vraiment, une fois que vous saurez quelles sont vos difficultés, d’agir, et de vous rééduquer.

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