And this answer depends on your coding style. If you want to fetch the number, you should use fetchColumn() instead. Michael, 01.03.18 22:48 Some real life use cases:Although there are several error handling modes in PDO, the only proper one is or as a connection option, as demonstrated in the example above. How do you see a better implementation for this case, as migrating it from simple mySql to PDO is seems a lot slower: Thanks in advance to wit:the values will never decrement (and order doesn't really matter, if that's a factor), so i'm only looking for a way to so. What's the point of it? Dennis, 15.02.19 12:23 Thank you!Is there a way to get your blogs as one "book"/pdf. Or there's a proper way to have 1 file with my DSN, username, password and database name?The error is not some imminent but probably some mistake in your implementation. In this tutorial we are going to learn about php PDO library. It's provided starting with PHP 5.1. Is two separate prepared needed? Sunny, 23.10.15 17:52 I was wondering if you could do a simple client/server pdo api example? An article above would be welcome and I think that newbies like me would find very valuable information.Hello, first of all I apologize for my english (I'm French). Alternatively, if your code is only ever going to run against mysql, you may enable query buffering by setting the PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY attribute.I am using paragonies easydb pdo wrapper. I want to build a scoring application for a 'cricket' sports match which will involve a lot of real time inserting recalculation and updating and outputting. But when using with GROUP BY I have a problem.

Marvin, 11.04.18 17:14 John Hind, 09.11.17 14:45 So, when I try to edit/update page when code approached to database field product_img1 it only find path but not actual image. Ionut, 05.10.16 10:19 duplicate name// You have the data! You are selecting all rows between min and max value in some column - so it is effectively all the rows. AMPPS says I'm using php7 but my exports say it's 5.6.37. Thus, a sole PDO instance has to be created and then used through whole script executionthese statements seem contradictory to me. what is the right way?Please NEVER take this website down. There are distributions, where libmysql is used by default. Actually, every error message is a breach in the security, so the solution should be a general one.On a live server PHP must be configured to log errors instead of displaying them, so it would never happen again to leak your database credentials outside. I will add a clarification regarding setFetchMode() to the article.About previous comment If you have time to check my code, or give me a link of good course. I fixed these issues in your code and now it should work.i want a to select data between two dates using pdo So your code would beBesides, the result of == operator is already a boolean, no need to add another condition, you can return it right away.Also note that echong the error message right away is not advised.

Otherwise it will defeat the very purpose of pagination: selecting only a smaller amount of data that will be actually processed. Use SELECT COUNT(*) instead.Great article with great details. Tachi, 14.08.19 16:34 if you wrotethen exactly the same query is sent to mysql and executed. document.getElementById("d1").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText;