incredible music and MV.Woohoo, violists unite!! I am excited about this possibility, but with my luck, the right/left side scar is probably a really bad production mistake :( On a lighter note, I feel bad for Kim Go-eun...she ends up with really weird BFs in k-dramas - they are either psychotic or time-travelling super natural humans! I've enjoyed every one of his dramas.I do wonder if they made a deliberate choice to have someone running around in a BLACK rabbit suit and the king claiming he saw a white rabbit? "I mean if all his conversations end up by "I own everything", I understand why his bodyguard stopped to be cheerful. Lee Min-ho in different outfits, Lee Min-ho's muscular arms, Lee Min-ho riding a white horse, and so on. Meanwhile, Rim stands at a cauldron wearing an apron and looking like he’s brewing some toil and trouble.We cut back and forth between the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Corea as Tae-eul investigates the murder case and Gon chases down rabbit girl. Lee Min-ho: What can I say this was him at his best element.

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