If you have visions of Hans sitting in a comfortable hotel suite writing epics on his laptop while sipping endless Martinis, they are quite some way from the reality!Our initial assessment was done alongside Tom Broderick, as he looks after many of the technical aspects of Hans' setup.

Hans Zimmer Percussion £349 www.spitfireaudio.com.

Usually, it is better to work along the longer axis of the room as this reduces the chances of ending up sitting in a bass null zone, but it was not practical to turn Hans' room around, partly because the cables to the machine room wouldn't allow it, but also because he'd set it up this way so that a sofa could be placed along the longer wall behind him, to accommodate visiting producers and others working on the project.

Tom thought this sounded like a good plan and said he'd have it done by the time we returned to finish the job. more. He wasn't worried about the room being acoustically perfect — he told us he was used to working in imperfect rooms and could compensate for most things, but any improvement would be welcome. He fully appreciated that the low end would behave in a more consistent way if the speakers were firing down the length of the room, but the need to accommodate visitors precluded this.

Science, common sense ("Maybe you should turn the speakers around...” Duh!) Hans uses a hybrid system, composing on Cubase but using Pro Tools as a way to monitor the sampler inputs, and also as a means to record them as individual audio files for the final mix, which would be done using a Euphonix Series 5 console.The equipment racks in the central machine room generated a huge amount of heat, so extra air conditioning had been rigged. „The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others – A Celebration of Filmmusic“ wird von einem symphonischen Orchester und Chor dargeboten sowie der Sopranistin Johanna Krumin, die u.a. As the rest of the movie sound for the current project was being done at De Lane Lea, it made more sense to be on site, especially with such a tight deadline.A few days later (at the same time as the London riots, as it happens! This would enable us to slide the back of the keyboard underneath the table edge, which would give us the extra six inches we needed. The Hans Zimmer Spitfire range. "Equipboard breaks down the gear, tools, and products used by artists, pros, and influencers in their craft.Equipboard breaks down the gear, tools, and products used by artists, pros, and influencers in their craft. Here's what Hans had to say about his newly improved suite: "I knew we were going to have acoustical problems moving from our studio in Santa Monica to a small cutting room in London.

He even thought inverting the speakers was a good idea. We couldn't carry enough frames to do both rooms, so for Lorne's room we simply used flat panels hanging against the walls.We found another of those useful aluminium rails running along the wall behind the front speakers, so we were able to hang four widths of foam from that, each being made from two panels glued together along one edge and again supported with cardboard bracing on the back, to reduce reflections from the bare wall and to help dry up the overall room ambience. However, this was compromising the size of the monitoring sweet-spot, so they were eventually turned upside‑down.Paul hanging one of his wooden frames. Again, Tom thought this was a practical move as long as Hans was happy to do it.After some experimentation, I came up with the idea of a lightweight wooden frame that we could glue to the foam panels only at their ends, and position them so that the foam would bend outwards from the panel in a curve. Hans Zimmer's studio has five Roland MKS-80 analogue synth modules. "It featur...This image is of Hans' studio, and straight ahead in front of the chair you c...The first synth on the left of the picture is a Tinysizer. This is what he'd done in the room Hans was using, and it had proven to work fine.By now, the aroma from the neighbouring Red Fort Indian restaurant was proving to be too seductive, so we left Hans and Lorne to get to work on their film score while we perused the lunch menu! Remote Control Productions ist ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen, das Filmmusik komponiert und produziert. I also suggested we simply turn the monitors upside down so the tweeters would be at the bottom, as that would get them closer to the ideal height without compromising the width of the sweet spot. Remote Control Productions hat Filme wie Hancock, Batman Begins, Iron Man, Gladiator, The Dark Knight, Kung Fu …

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