in a parent element with .embed-responsive and an aspect ratio. features that you need.If you need additional help with compiling your custom package, please use our Compilation & Customization tutorial.Map of dependencies of JavaScript modules in MDBootstrap:Apart from the standard Bootstrap integration (using jQuery), MDBootstrap also integrates with Angular, to worry about the quality of your content.Look at the following examples to get a good grip at IFrames.All of the components and features are a part of the MDBootstrap package.MDBootstrap (Material Design for Bootstrap) is an MIT Licensed framework - It combines the esthetic of Material Design and the functionalities Responsive Iframes.

With the Bootstrap integration, you can put the content of the IFrame inside a modal to make it even more interactive and entertaining. When testing my website on a smartphone, I would spend hours trying to figure out why my videos did not do what I expected… Until I finally discovered a great CSS trick that I can apply to all my iframes. This aspect ratio modifier will add the padding-top with different percentages depending on the given modifier class, then give your iframe the .embed-responsive-item class.
Most websites use YouTube videos, Google maps or other external website elements embedded in them. You don’t need to include frameborder="0" in your