Another interviewee suggested that it is becoming more difficult to recruit individuals to be Dom Care operators because of the competing demands on their time. Some have residents that receive Medicaid funded services. While North Carolina's licensure offices do not have this same authority, key informants in North Carolina did note that most unlicensed care home operators allow them entry even without legal authority. Several informants explained that some unlicensed care home operators require residents to make the care home operator or the operator's designee their representative payee for SSI benefits, and that some operators also collect food stamps, medications, or other resources from residents, which the operators can then sell for profit. licensure for adult foster care. Although the scope of our research was limited--involving a small number of interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs) and interviews with informants in three communities in three states--the findings have relevance for national, state, and local policies and practices and for future research. It might also determine which states provide additional state funding to the ombudsman program, and whether the level of available resources is a limitation on ombudsman involvement in unlicensed care homes. Key informants in metro Atlanta also indicate that the state conducts interviews with residents during investigations and closures of unlicensed home to gain a better understanding of how individuals end up in these homes. However, even if the home continues to operate, the fines are rarely enforced or collected. In this section, we summarize results of the literature review and interviews with SMEs and key informants. This key informant also noted that the residents frequently transition in and out of the home, as is often the case with illegally unlicensed personal care homes. With the passage of a new law in July 2012, it is a misdemeanor to operate an unlicensed personal care home, and if an unlicensed care home is linked to abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the violation is considered a misdemeanor. Yes. Providing unsafe housing conditions, including overcrowding of resident rooms, housing many more residents in bedrooms than is allowed by state licensure regulations, housing residents in storage sheds, basements, and attics that were unsafe, unsanitary, and made egress difficult for frail or disabled residents. Obtaining licensure would require operators to pay the costs of additional and qualified staff and service provision. For example, one ombudsman report from Florida noted the difficulty in identifying an unlicensed care home due to the quantity and quality of evidence needed to obtain a search warrant in order to enter the home and positively identify a place as providing unlicensed care or housing residents who must be cared for in a licensed facility. Overall, the local agency representatives described the condition of unlicensed care homes as unsafe. Funds are being allocated to relocate residents out of unlicensed residential care. Retrieved from Miami Herald. In other situations, a landlord must list the violation and allow a tenant to correct the violation only if feasible. The PCRR teams in Pennsylvania are similar, and are based at the local level working in coordination with state licensure offices. Those individuals who remained in the city were placed in day programs. This home initially drew the attention of the authorities because of a sexual assault case in which one of the residents was raped by a sex offender. The informants recommended the formation of teams including a range of stakeholders, including state licensure officials, Adult Protective Services (APS), ombudsmen, police, firefighters, emergency medical services, code enforcement, and local advocacy organization workers.1. Regardless of what they are called, this study focuses on places that provide room and board and sometimes provide personal care to two or more unrelated individuals, but whose operators are not licensed or certified by the state. This section describes illegal contracting and the programs CSLB has in place to combat the activity. Improper medication assistance and management were most commonly noted by key informants as problematic; informants were concerned that operators or staff of illegally licensed care homes may not be properly trained in medication management and administration. The team works together to track homes they identify as unlicensed and then monitors them until the home is closed. As noted by one SME, unlicensed care homes that provide good care and a safe environment may intentionally not be brought to the attention of state agencies nor be reported by these agencies when they learn of these homes: "We do receive reports, about 6 months ago someone wrote to me about their mother who was getting care in an unlicensed homeshe was getting wonderful care, she wasn't going to report it. Some SMEs suggested that state policies affect the mix of residents in unlicensed care homes. Another concern expressed by some of the individuals interviewed was that even those unlicensed homes that were clean or free of neglect and abuse, commonly have safety hazards and do not meet the fire safety codes required of licensed facilities. What populations do unlicensed care homes serve? Another strategy is the creation and involvement of interagency and multidisciplinary teams at the state and local levels, which based on our key informant interviewsappears to be a successful strategy. Key informants included representatives from the state licensure office. Below are examples from the environmental scan that provide some estimates of the number of unlicensed care homes: Maryland: A representative of the licensure agency estimated 500 unlicensed illegal assistive living facilities and noted the fine line between a boarding home and assisted living. As noted, we found the prevalence of legally and illegally unlicensed residential care homes varies by state. By taking control of the resident's benefits, the operator controls the resident's funds, and should be using those funds for room and board and other beneficiary expenses. Findings indicate that a variety of policies may have an impact on the supply of and demand for unlicensed care homes. Some of these homes are legally unlicensed while others operate illegally. We found three cases in Florida of charges against unlicensed RCFs involving allegations of false imprisonment, resident neglect, grand theft, and/or operating an unlicensed assisted living facility; and three cases in Nevada of neglect and/or criminal offenses while operating without a license (one where the accused also operated a licensed facility). One key informant stated this posted information, as well as general education sessions out in the community; for example, in senior centers or nursing homes, leads to some complaints that can generate investigations into personal care homes that may be identified as illegal operations. In California, lodgers maintain rights similar to tenants. If you suspect that a facility is not licensed or in violation of its license, call 1-844- LET US NO (1-844-538-8766) to file a complaint with the Department of Social Services. Future research examining the role of hospital discharge planners and strategies to prevent discharge to unlicensed care homes appear warranted. A six-state study conducted by Hawes & Kimbell in 2010 for the U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, found that unlicensed homes remain a serious, largely unaddressed problem in some states, with the magnitude of the problem remaining unknown. Instances or allegations of physical and psychological abuse and neglect of residents were reported by SMEs and key informants and highlighted in the environmental scan. In several cases, the potential interviewees did not have direct knowledge on the topic of unlicensed care homes, and were not interviewed, but referred us to interviewees with more knowledge on the topic. SMEs and site visit key informants noted that individuals being served in unlicensed care homes are very vulnerable adults. 200 Independence Avenue, SW Media and state reports have highlighted homes operating deliberately illegally--that is, they are avoiding required licensure or certification (Tobia, 2014; Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police Ad Hoc Committee on At-Risk Adult Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation, 2013). Key informants described a coordinated effort between the state licensure offices and the local group care monitoring office once there is recognition that a complaint call is about an unlicensed facility. Pennsylvania and North Carolina have some similarities in how they address unlicensed care homes. Two key informants mentioned that changes to the state's Medicaid Personal Care Services program had a direct impact on available funding for group homes that serve individuals with mental illness. The state's annual Personal Care Homes Report provides the number of illegally unlicensed personal care homes that result in enforcement actions and details the historical trend of the number of enforcement actions taken against illegal unlicensed personal care homes. In another state in that study, only consumer advocates and ombudsmen reported the existence of unlicensed facilities. Retrieved from In addition, one key informant stated that penalties for operating unlicensed care homes are similar to only a Class C offense, which is "equivalent to fishing without a license." After recommending six states for site visits, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and the research team selected three communities in three states for on-site visits: Atlanta, Georgia; Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina; and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Strategies for Addressing Issues in Legally and Illegally Unlicensed Care Homes, 3.6. Of these, three were determined to be unlicensed care homes. Populations Served and Conditions in Unlicensed Care Homes, 3.3. It is now a misdemeanor to operate an unlicensed RCF. Schneider, C., & Simmons, A. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. From a county perspective, one ombudsman and housing officer estimated that perhaps there may be less than 20 lawfully unlicensed facilities and less than five illegally unlicensed, however Tobia's team found that there may be as many as 78 unlicensed care homes serving as many as 400 individuals in that county. Disability Rights California have investigated squalid conditions at a number of unlicensed room and board homes serving adults with psychiatric disabilities across the state. Notably, the strategy of responding to complaints limits the amount of information available about unlicensed care homes about which complaints are not made (i.e., possibly better quality homes). In some states, APS has very limited responsibility and involvement. As a direct result of this regulation change, many personal care homes in Pennsylvania became illegally unlicensed and either shut down, became licensed, or continued to operate illegally. There are no visible smoke or fire alarms. Multiple key informants also stated that interviews with small licensed personal care home operators may result in learning more about the motivations for operating an illegally unlicensed personal care home. To address the issues surrounding quality and safety in unlicensed care homes, key informants described a process involving the investigation of complaints by visiting the home and interviewing residents and staff (which may necessitate getting an inspection warrant if denied entry upon arrival), then providing a written cease and desist letter if the investigation results indicate that the home should be licensed, issuing fines of $100 per day per resident, and prosecuting the operator. The goal of this study was to provide foundational information intended to answer or provide insight into the study research questions. They also noted that, despite receiving payment for room, board, and services, some unlicensed care home operators provide subpar or poor quality accommodations and services to residents. The CMHPC's Policy and System Development Committee conducted a brief For additional information about this subject, you can visit the DALTCP home page at or contact the ASPE Project Officer, Emily Rosenoff, at HHS/ASPE/DALTCP, Room 424E, H.H. None of these approaches or strategies completely addresses the concern about providing a safe environment and quality services to the vulnerable individuals being served in unlicensed care homes. One key informant estimated there are approximately 526 Dom Care operations in the state. Health, Safety, and Sanitary Conditions. One issue that remains to be determined is the conditions or criteria by which such places constitute "unlicensed residential care homes." An earlier study by Perkins, Ball, Whittington, & Combs (2004) provided these reasons from the perspective of one small unlicensed care home operator: Regulatory requirements meant for large assisted living facilities are too stringent and expensive for small residential homes. He noted that residents with disabilities in unlicensed homes were at risk during fires and natural disasters such as tornados, hurricanes, and severe storms. Unlicensed staff may assist residents with the self-administration . Unlicensed assisted living facilities. In Florida, the Secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration told a senate committee that the agency wanted to work more with law enforcement. The NDRN P&A reportedly has suggested that SSA require representative payees to self-identify if they own a residential care home (licensed or unlicensed). In Pennsylvania, facilities providing or arranging for housing, food service, and one or more personal care needs for four or more unrelated adults must be licensed as personal care homes. However, several SMEs and key informants noted that some unlicensed care homes are good and provide a clean, safe environment for individuals who might otherwise be homeless. Many interviewees mentioned monetary motivations of operators as one factor. Currently at the state level, the primary strategy used in Georgia to identify unlicensed care homes is through complaints, including complaints from neighbors, residents, residents' family members, and hospitals serving residents of unlicensed care homes. Not only will you be protecting the individuals who live in the care facility, you will be providing a service to your community. In Georgia, much of the current focus on unlicensed personal care home investigations involves cases of resident abuse and neglect. It does not store any personal data. As part of this study, we sought to identify potential data sources or listings of unlicensed care homes that may be useful in efforts to understand how widespread unlicensed care homes might be, and whether these settings can be identified for future research purposes, both in the states we visited and in other states. Key informant interviews were conducted in three communities across three states: Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; Atlanta, Georgia; and Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina. Per state regulations, residential settings providing room, board and personal assistance with three or fewer residents who have at least one personal care need do not meet the requirements for licensure as a personal care home and are legally unlicensed. There were reports that while unlicensed homes in some states (such as Maryland) serve elderly and physically disabled residents, many also serve a clientele who once were homeless, persons who may have substance use disorders, and individuals who were formerly incarcerated. However, our key informants (including representatives of adult protective services, ombudsmen programs, and police and fire departments) were informed about unlicensed care homes only in response to complaints or emergencies, which may have biased their views of these homes. Not all states license all residential settings with as few as one resident, as Georgia does; therefore many states, such as Pennsylvania, legally allow some unlicensed care homes to operate. However, this likely is not a viable method for detecting the population of illegally unlicensed residential care homes. 3.4.3. One key informant stated that one in four residents of Allegheny County are over age 60, and that this population presents a growing need for affordable residential care homes. For example, as part of interviews with SMEs, we asked them to recommend potential key informants to meet with during site visits. It was outside the scope of this project to examine the alternatives to unlicensed care homes or the health, safety or appropriateness of those environments. Multiple interviewees suggested that it was important to quickly involve code enforcement and local health departments in efforts to close an illegally unlicensed personal care home. Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police Ad Hoc Committee on At-Risk Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation. Further, key informants reported that many operators require residents to surrender all forms of identification "for safe keeping" by the operator. Based on the findings from this exploratory study, illegally unlicensed care homes appear to be a problem for at least some states; the residents of these homes are extremely vulnerable, and while some are elderly and physically disabled, many have severe and persistent mental illness. Key informants in all three site visit states provided examples of how this might happen. At least two states have demonstrated that coordinated efforts can effect changes to laws and policies and create at least initial disincentives or barriers to the operation of illegally unlicensed care homes. Georgia: In one expose, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution analyzed thousands of inspection reports and interviewed state and local official, social service providers, and advocates, and then published an article on the status of affairs in unlicensed personal care homes. Here's how you go about opening and RCFE in the state of California. While we visited only three communities, the concerns articulated by the case study respondents were echoed by SMEs from other areas of the country and are consistent with the literature and media reports in the environmental scan. The team conducted brief vetting calls with the second subset of SMEs to determine their appropriateness for an interview; if they were not deemed appropriate, they were asked whether they knew of any other potential interviewees. Submitted to the Governor and the Texas Legislature and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Consistent with information from the environmental scan, key informant interviews indicate that some unlicensed homes use basements to house residents, including residents who do not have the capacity to exit safely in the event of a fire or similar emergency, such as those who are unable to climb the stairs and those receiving hospice care. (2015). Facilities providing or arranging for housing, food service, and one or more personal services for two or more unrelated adults must be licensed by the state as a personal care home. Finally, in some states, SMEs and the environmental scan identified legally and illegally unlicensed residential care homes that were referred to as boarding homes or board and care homes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Three-bed residential care homes are lawfully allowed in at least one state. State and Local Policies Related to the Supply and Demand for Illegally Unlicensed Care Homes. This conflicted with other media reports that describe Arizona citizens calling for closing the loopholes in state laws to prevent "imposter" senior living facilities that use false advertising (Azmfairall, 2013). It was outside the scope of this project to examine the alternatives to unlicensed care homes or the health, safety, or appropriateness of those other environments. Although licensed homes were generally depicted by key informants as safer than unlicensed homes, one key informant emphasized that quality of care is not contingent on licensure status; licensed homes may also have health and safety concerns. One key informant estimated that approximately 3,000 licensed personal care homes have ceased operations in Allegheny County since the 2005 regulatory changes. Areas for future research and potential data sources related to unlicensed care homes. Also, Indiana state law requires legally unlicensed assisted living facilities to submit disclosure forms to the Family and Social Services Administration within the Division of Aging; thus, the state may be able to compile a listing of legally unlicensed facilities. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Web log.Retrieved from In addition to legally unlicensed residential care homes, there are a variety of places that operate illegally. A core pattern of exploitation described in interviews included the operator of unlicensed homes finding vulnerable individuals who need housing and supportive services (such as from hospitals or homeless shelters), requiring these individuals to transfer their SSI payments to the operator or one of the operator's agents in order to become a resident of the unlicensed care home, severely limiting the residents' ability to leave the facility, and relocating the residents to alternate locations to avoid detection. In the past few years, Georgia has developed an interagency task force including law enforcement and social services agencies which has trained and prepared many staff to deal with these homes. These local and regional offices--as well as ombudsmen and other national, state, and local advocacy groups--receive complaint calls from a variety of sources including residents' family members; members of the general community such as neighbors or other providers; and medical and service providers (e.g., hospital or clinic doctors, nurses, social workers) who interact with residents inside and outside of unlicensed homes. This implies that the LME-MCO does not always check licensure status before coordinating services in unlicensed group homes. A private residence, a care facility or an employer might offer room and board. Sanitary conditions of the home must be in good condition at all times. We focused on a range of questions, including: How do agencies handle specific complaints about unlicensed care homes? However, in Allegheny County, key informants stated that locally the regulation is interpreted and applied differently, and that a Dom Care facility could not have more than three residents total, regardless of the case mix or payment mix. APS professionals there estimate three reports or complaints about unlicensed personal care homes every month in the metro Atlanta area, and about one complaint or report about unlicensed personal care homes every three months in rural areas of the state. State regulations govern whether ombudsmen can access and advocate for residents in unlicensed care homes; thus ombudsmen may be limited in their ability to serve on these teams. Due to the high cost of this care, its easy to understand why someone might be attracted to a board and care facility based on the price. One prominent case required more than 40 people in law enforcement and social service agencies to investigate and close a home, find placements for the residents being displaced, and prosecute the violators. Figueroa, L. (2011). We relied on a targeted literature review, interviews with a small number of SMEs, and site visits to just three communities, all of which limit the scope of our findings. One strategy recommended by key informants to address unlicensed care homes is to change the regulations to reduce the number of unlicensed care homes that operate legally. For additional information, interested parties can contact the Paso Robles AAUW's Marty Diffley at (805) 440-2078 or, or the League of Women Voters at (805) 242-6990 or Most of the literature and media reports reviewed focused on the pitfalls of unlicensed care homes and the poor quality and safety provided in these settings. Based in Los Angeles, Victoria McGrath has been writing law-related articles since 2004. Efforts are now under way to provide workshops that clarify the new laws about unlicensed care facilities and how law enforcement and other agencies can work together to identify and investigate crimes against at-risk adults and prepare the necessary components for successful prosecutions. What causes infertility and how the IVF works? In one court case, the judge deemed a "boarding house" as an unlicensed residential care home because only three of the six people renting rooms received personal care from the owner's licensed home care agency, even though four actually needed those services. Most interviewees also agreed that there are likely more illegally unlicensed personal care homes than they are aware of. These include tapping into fire/EMS databases to identify addresses of care homes that could be unlicensed, and tracking multiple SSI payments that go to a single representative payee at the same address. This report was prepared under contract #HHSP23320100021WI between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) and Research Triangle Institute. Key informants expressed a desire for future research that helps to categorize the necessary organizations and the number of personnel hours needed from each organization at each phase of the processes to identify, investigate, and close unlicensed homes; determine the optimal tactics to effectively implement investigation and closure; and develop a safe and seamless relocation and follow-up plan for residents. Medication is visible. The agencies do not typically get complaints from residents inside the home, although if the home is bringing in services such as home health or hospice nurses, those outside agency staff could file reports that result in the identification of an illegally unlicensed personal care home. Although there were some reports of clean and safe unlicensed homes, the negative findings about conditions were predominant. Residential care homes that are legal often serve as covers for or conduits to illegal homes. Health and safety concerns for residents were a major topic of interview discussion. Miami Herald. reported by the California Department of Justice. One key informant reported that during the investigation of this home, it also was discovered that the operator was taking the residents' food stamps. One of our study states made it a crime to operate an illegally unlicensed residential care home, and some states have the capacity to penalize unlicensed care homes with monetary fines. We then looked to see if those percentages might be related to the number of number of unlicensed care facilities in those states. The first conviction in Florida is a felony; in Georgia, first conviction is a misdemeanor, second is a felony. One-bed and two-bed residential care homes are lawfully allowed in several states. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Some of these places are legally unlicensed, while others operate without a license illegally. One example, described by multiple key informants, looked like a nice physical environment and was affiliated with a local church, but the operator of the home was taking the residents' money while abusing, imprisoning, and exploiting them. Often these homes serve very vulnerable populations, such as individuals with serious mental illness or older adults with functional limitations and limited financial resources. In California, when an owner rents property to a resident, this typically creates a landlord-tenant relationship. Monograph for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In 2005, Pennsylvania state regulations for personal care homes were changed, reducing the minimum number of residents a personal care home could serve from seven to four. Many key informants regarded the closing of Mayview State Psychiatric Hospital in 2008, which was located in Allegheny County, as an important factor contributing to the gap of services and affordable housing available for individuals with mental health diagnoses. Family care homes serve 2-6 residents and adult care homes serve seven or more residents; both can choose to serve only elderly persons (55 years or older or any adult who has a primary diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or other form of dementia) or to serve a mixed resident population. Sometimes the care providers require residents make the care home operator their representative payee for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from Social Security.
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