He is just and endowed with salvation, Jiziahu Ben David or prince Bin Salman are good candidates to be a Jewish messiah. Still others say he is the carpenter from Nazareth about whom the whole world wonders. 1.5K views 624 days ago. The other will be the military fighting messiah over the government and who I think could be from the tribe of Dan. But here in Zechariah 9, the picture is very different. He boldly proclaimed himself to be the Messiah, the Son of God, even though he knew that he would be crucified for these claims. His was a life marked by humility. Later, however, Zechariah gives another description of the coming king, a picture quite different from that of chapter 9. And so this passage has been interpreted as messianic; that is, it is often supposed that the king in this passage is none other than the Messiah, the savior of Israel. Aragorn, the ranger-turned-ruler in J.R.R. Those prayers may help with the ones left behind! The head Rabbis are saying that they have crowned their Messiah, Ben David in private and will crown him soon in public. Let me answer the Jiziahu Ben David name first. Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Both alphabets have together 22+27=49 (7x7) letters. Lets go look in the Bible for the answers. Then, in verses 8 and 9 we read: And in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and the other half toward the western sea; it will be in summer as well as in winter. Therefore I cast you as a profane thing You will think that he is the long awaited Messiah, but he will be indwelled by Satan. (Zechariah 14:8-9). He uses his deep understanding of the Bible to understand current events. Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. THE YANUKA AND JESUS AS PERSONIFICATIONS OF THE SON OF GOD Jonas Bendiksen / Magnum Photos / The Last Testament (Aperture, 2017) David Shayler gives a sermon as his cross-dressing alter ego, Dolores. Or is it possible that he came to live among us 2,000 ago and that hell come again to be enthroned as the victorious, reigning king? Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Some things of interest to bare in mind. It most certainly is interesting in light of the Kaduri and Persimmon prophecies and because of the Israeli Rabbi who Says Hes Already Holding Meetings With Messiah but, this can not be fully confirmed that they announced him as such. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. The Rebbe admonished Netanyahu, saying The, still hasnt come. Throughout history, human imagination has been captivated by such figures, and for good reason. Why did this ancient Jewish prophet obsess over this kingly character? During his lectures, he gives exact references by page number and paragraph. Please see the other relevant links below for my past Noahide law posts and others for reference. Ask God through your Bible, which is what I do every single day because the world LIES, God does NOT LIE God is TRUTH! Lets take a look. You can see how it could be in play during the Tribulation when Christians will be beheaded for their faith. Also, it was said that he is part Jewish and Muslim in heritage but, I cant find anything to back that up just yet. Just when the mark of the beast vaccine jab and the Ultra-Orthodox Chabad Kabbalistic Jewish messiah have come on the scene in . The name Netanyahu () is composed of the same letters as the name, Jonathan (). It is also significant that the Prime Ministers older brother, who was killed fighting haters of Israel, was named Jonathan., Rabbi Sudri stated that as Prime Minister, Netanyahu is performing all the practical functions expected of. THE RUNDOWN | With Nurit Ben and Calev Ben-David | Tuesday, March 27th 2018. Report. The Bible presents us with a mysterious king as well. His real name is Rav Shlomo Yehuda Schilta. Jews in Israel performing their traditional rituals (Reference image). The appointed time is so very close at hand! Many Jewish people do not give much thought to the coming of a Messiah anymore, and those who do often picture him as a mighty conqueror, even a superhero-type figure. Just listen to what they say about him and how they talk about him! A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. There were those who believed in Aragorns right to the throne from the very beginning and others who refused to submit to his rule until the very end, when he proved himself in battle. Pray for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. A king who does not fight? sumptae letemus deponendarum superfuerunt offerebatur in Hebrew Gematria equals 3056: s 90 u 200 m 30 p 60 t 100 a 1 e 5 0 l 20 e 5 t 100 e 5 m 30 u 200 s 90 0 d 4 e 5 p 60 o 50 n 40 e 5 n 40 d 4 a 1 r 80 u 200 m 30 0 s 90 u 200 p 60 e 5 r 80 f 6 u 200 e 5 r 80 u 200 n 40 t 100 0 o 50 f 6 f 6 e 5 r 80 e 5 b 2 a in Hebrew Gematria equals 3056: s 90 u 200 m 30 p 60 t 100 . Matthew 7:15 Amplified Bible (AMP) A Tree and Its Fruit. And if he were THE Antichrist then, they would not announce this out worldly until AFTER the rapture but, they may announce it within their ranks and wait later for worldly announcement. Its the position presented in the New Testament. His role in the process is definitely worth considering but it still remains to be seen if he will fulfill this potential, Rabbi Sudri said. Tolkien, The Return of the King: Being the Third Part of the Lord of the Rings (New York: Ballantine Books, 1955), 246. You are going to be king over, and I shall be second to you; and even my father, , a book of Torah interpretations as taught by. Aragorn, the ranger-turned-ruler in J.R.R. More about that below. Netanyahu is clearly fulfilling this function. In any case, we are presented with a dramatically different picture of the king here than the one we see in Zechariah 9. 1 Kings 10:14 Amplified Bible (AMP) Wealth, Splendor and Wisdom. Yes, the king will return. Weve come to expect a certain amount of confidence, even arrogance, from our leaders. I also found this link about him under one of the videos I saw when someone asked to find out more about the Yanuka Shlomo. The only way we can know exactly what is happening in the world is by asking God and opening our Bibles!! Especially in Israel and the Middle East, it is difficult to fathom that someone could come to such power on peaceful terms. 'Jiziahu' is Hebrew for "taxation". It doesnt matter who they were before they were leaders or what you think of them personally. This passage of Scripture provides a picture of a Messiah-king, a deliverer of salvation, gently offering his kingship to Israel and to the world. Seems like the first horseman will or already unleashed. Rabb Levi Sudri, an award-winning Bible expert, makes the case that Israels prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is the reincarnation of the biblical figure Jonathan, the son of King Saul, who has returned in order to fulfill his promise of helping David bring in the Messiah. You can see how they will be able to deceive people in Tribulation, and even some now before rapture, who come from a Christian background but never truly accepted salvation and get left behind. Most of us today have learned to distrust our leaders. There is still another Jewish view concerning the two pictures of the Messiah-king that accurately fulfills the portrait we see in Zechariah and elsewhere in the Hebrew Scriptures. Now the name Shlomo is a translation of Solomon and interestingly the only other place in the Bible where . ! Also, this is Jewish mysticism and the very people who study, believe and, follow it, fall under the same category as the pharisees. To begin with, the Jewish messiah was finally revealed. Jewish tradition maintains that the prophet Zechariah was a man of the Great Synagogue, the group that is believed to have carefully preserved the Hebrew Scriptures and traditions during the period after the exile. It is one of the most common surnames in Israel.It may refer to the following people: Abraham ben David (RABaD, 12th century CE), a Provenal rabbi and a Talmudic scholar; Abraham ben David Caslari (14th century CE), a Catalan-Jewish physician . Sinai A Call for Climate Justice and Ceremony of Repentance. He uses his deep understanding of the Bible to understand current events. Like channeled water is the mind of the king in Hashems hand; He directs it to whatever He wishes. It can also mean "compensation". t. e. The Messiah in Judaism ( Hebrew: , romanized : ma) is a savior and liberator figure in Jewish eschatology, who is believed to be the future redeemer of the Jewish people. He was born Vernon Howell to a non-Jewish family in Texas. If it were not so, there would be no reason to write it down for future generations., He said to him, Do not be afraid: the hand of my father, will never touch you. He would be the priestly half (a or the false prophet, Pope aside). Do something to hasten his coming.. He is to be a direct descendant of King David, anointed as the new Jewish King. Just go to my home page and you will get so much more information than you can handle!! Is it necessary to believe in two Messiahs? You have become a horror, And shall be no more forever. . Published on Apr 6, 2021. . It fell upon his ears like the echo of all the joys he had ever known.2. In fact, the name Yeshua means God saves.. Hence they too have a messianic vocation and their Messiah the Maschiach ben Yosef, Messiah son of Joseph (Talmud Succah 52a), also called Messiah son of Ephraim (Targum Yonasan on Exodus 40:11), will play an essential role in humanity's redemption, for he will be the precursor of the Maschiach ben David, Messiah Son of David. I want to finish this on asking for prayer for all the Jews. Published on Apr 6, 2021 . DispensationalismDid Scofield or Darby Invent It? Traditional Judaism teaches that the messiah is a G-d fearing, pious Jew, who is both a Torah scholar and a great leader. Again, very interesting. Thats because Yeshua also knew that he possessed the power of an indestructible life. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? schlotzsky's tomato basil soup recipe; gil jackson andrea mitchell first husband What will that return look like? His real name is Rav Shlomo Yehuda Schilta. Slide 1. One day, hell come again to take by force what is rightfully his. Is this it??? So, its possible that this man could be tossed out as the first of the two messiahs. wallytron101. There is a leader in the material world. One day, hell come again to take by force what is rightfully his. They believed that Yeshua (Jesus) was the fulfillment of both expectations. Today, millions of people around the world wait for his return. In Judaism, who is the Messiah?, aish.com, November 3, 2002, http://www.aish.com/jl/li/m/48924282.html. What Zechariah tells us is that there is such a person. It is therefore . It is great merit to have such a great soul in our generation. The books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles attest to this history. Mario Moreno, rabbi and founder of the Messianic Jewish Shema Israel Congregation, said that today we live in the time of the . For much of the series, his true identity is cloaked in mystery. This passage of Scripture provides a picture of a Messiah-king, a deliverer of salvation, gently offering his kingship to Israel and to the world. Some things of interest to bare in mind. 3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction [that challenges them with Gods truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with something pleasing], they will accumulate for themselves [many] teachers [one after another, chosen] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold, 4 and will turn their ears away from the truth and will wander off into myths and man-made fictions [and will accept the unacceptable]. Still others say he is the carpenter from Nazareth about whom the whole world wonders. Yet in this passage, that is exactly what is promised. In the third and final book of The Lord of the Rings, after a long, wearying battle, Aragorn finally takes up his throne. In our world today, peaceful people may win prizes, but they dont necessarily command authority. Please pray that more and more will awake from deception and have their hearts and minds open to seeing the truth. . See we use the Bible to decipher the Bible, because God has put All the answers in His Word. (Zechariah 14:6). J.R.R. He has great humility, and many well-known rabbis in Israel come to his lectures. Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. They have so much information in them on what God is doing right now never mind the BS going on in the land they have named Israel because anyone who reads the Bible, the Living Word (Jesus Christ) of God should know that Israel is Jacobs seed and not a place!! First, they are expecting 2 messiahs (Jesus fulfills this but they ignore Gods full word and turn to traditions of men and man made ideas and thoughts via Talmud and Kabbalah etc.) The Whore of Babylon Visits Mt. ISRAEL: A man is coming who will deceive you. The book of Zechariah does not explicitly state that Messiah will come twice, yet we do see two pictures of the king, coming once as a man of peace and again as a conquering king. Rabbi Shmuel Bornsztain, the second Sochatchover Rebbe (spiritual leader) from 1910-1926. Though Yeshua did not usher in an age of peace on earth as many hoped then and many wish for today, he did offer peace with God to everyone willing to trust in him and the atonement for sin he offered through his death and resurrection. What? And I destroyed you, O covering cherub, Zechariah chooses to focus much of his writing describing this coming king. So if Jonathan said he would serve as Davids second, it must be something that is destined to happen in the future.. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Being led by scripture throughout was so comforting! 11 God said to him, Because you have asked this and have not asked for yourself a long life nor for wealth, nor for the lives of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to recognize justice, 12 behold, I have done as you asked. Also pray for the 144,000 Jews who will be sharing the Gospel of Jesus during the Tribulation. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. Orthodox Jews claim they have found their messiah. HaGoan HaYanuka HaRav Shlomo Yehuda Shlita At the Kotel (The Western Wall) on Chol Hamoad Pesach. In any event, this is something to keep an eye on in the coming weeks just to see what if anything comes about. In chapter 9, the king is humble, but in chapter 14, he is a force to be reckoned with. He is just and endowed with salvation, Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Firstly, in Judaism, there are certain requirements for the Jewish messiah, which include the following that have not been fulfilled: (These are, by the way, some reasons why Jews do not believe in Jesus as messiah). In the third and final book of The Lord of the Rings, after a long, wearying battle, Aragorn finally takes up his throne. WE FLY SOON!! Do something to hasten his coming., Rabbi Schneerson told Netanyahu that he would give the scepter to the. THIS YANUKA HAS BEEN PERFORMING MIRACLES AT A WEDDING JUST LIKE JESUS!!! 9 So give Your servant an understanding mind and a hearing heart [with which] to judge Your people, so that I may discern between good and evil. So what can we take from all this because you should know that the freemasons idolise the number 33 as the highest degree you can obtain, and they worship Solomon as Solomon was the first master builder because he built the 1st Temple!! In any case, it is necessary to honor leaders as the embodiment of the nation, Rabbi Sudri said. In fact, the name Yeshua means God saves.. 14 If you walk in My ways, keeping My statutes and My commandments, as your father David [b]did, then I will lengthen your days. 15 Then Solomon awoke, and he realized that it was a dream. What could his kingship mean to us today? I listened to this 6min video of this man at his daughters wedding talking about Yanuka Shlomo and it sounds like they are talking about Jesus they way they speak of him. Every precious stone was your covering: The Yanuka Told Me Today! You will sign an enforcement of a seven year treaty with this devil. You became filled with violence within, Exodus 29:7, I Kings 1:39, II Kings 9:3 ). Most of us today have learned to distrust our leaders. Dive in to Potentially HUGE Bible Prophecy News! For much of the series, his true identity is cloaked in mystery. As a former commando, Netanyahu personifies the Biblical Jonathan as well. Rabbi Schneerson told Netanyahu that he would give the scepter to the Melech HaMoshiach (Messianic king, i.e. Rabb Levi Sudri, an award-winning Bible expert, makes the case that Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is the reincarnation of the biblical figure Jonathan, the son of King Saul, who has returned in order to fulfill his promise of helping David bring in the Messiah. He is 32/33. ISRAELS MESSIAH - Jiziahu Ben David SHOWED UP ON MARCH 27TH! He is 33 old. Well, the clip of the young rabbi would likely have never been known to the Christian world without first being referenced by a Spanish-language Orthodox Jewish channel that's apparently being monitored by Christians. And His dominion will be from sea to sea, The idea of mashiach (messiah) is an ancient one in Judaism. Proverbs 21:1. There were those who believed in Aragorns right to the throne from the very beginning and others who refused to submit to his rule until the very end, when he proved himself in battle. And Tolkien writes this scene wherein one of the hobbits encounters Gandalf, the wizard he thought had been vanquished: Gandalf! The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior. If that still isnt making sense feel free to read my post Is it a sin. The Lord is Good and True and Righteous; and His Word never changes! Though Zechariah was born during the exile of Israel to Babylon, his writing occurred once the Jewish people were back in the Land.
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