A recent report from the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar (SAC-M) found that due to resistance from armed ethnic groups and the Peoples Defence Force, a network of civilian armed groups established by the NUG in 2021, the military regime can be said to have stable control of 17 percent of Myanmars territory. ], High-Level Thematic Debate on the theme Moment for Nature, Special high-level dialogue entitled The Africa We Want: Reconfirming the Development of Africa as a Priority of the United Nations System, [Joint letters from the Presidents of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Affairs, dated 23 May 2022 and 1 July 2022 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: report of the General Committee [item 7] (A/76/250), 2. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE--REPORTS. Rebeca Barber ], Preparatory meeting for the international meeting entitled "Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all our responsibility, our opportunity" (resolution 75/326), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated20 December 2021,7 February 2022, and11 February 2022, 18 February, 21 February and 14 March 2022 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. PPLAF (Platform to Protect Whistle Blowers in Africa), John Dugard Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms [item 74 (b)]: report of the Third Committee (A/76/462/Add.2), 12. Combating sand and dust storms [item 20 (k)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/533/Add.10), 22. ], The situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine [item 67], High-level thematic debate entitled "Galvanizing momentum for universal vaccination", [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 21 January 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Heyzer, who says she has held extensive and regular consultations with Myanmars key stakeholders focusing on the NLD, NUG and ethnic armed groups since her appointment, declined an interview request from Al Jazeera but in a written statement clarified the nature of her visit. Informal consultations on the establishment of the United Nations Youth Office. Don't miss a story, Subscribe to PassBlue, PASSBLUE IS A PARTNER WITH THE NEW SCHOOL JULIEN J. STUDLEY GRADUATE PROGRAM IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, Sign up to get the smartest news on the UN by email, joining readers across the globe., We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, 4 days ago by Major General AK Bardalai, Veteran. (A/AC.293/2022/L.1 and A/AC.293/2022/L.2), Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Agriculture development, food security and nutrition [item 26]: Draft resolution (A/76/L.55) (item 7 to reopen and reallocate item 26), 2. Information and communications technologies for sustainable development [item 17]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/530), 2. ], 2. : 2021-2022). Promotion and protection of human rights [item 74]: report of the Third Committee (A/76/462), 10. Joint briefing for delegations on arrangements and preparations for the general debate and high-level meetings of the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly ( A/INF/77/4*) Thursday, 25 . ], Report of the Human Rights Council [item 69] (A/76/53 and A/76/53/Add.1 (to be issued in due course)), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021 and 26 October 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Election of members of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [item 116 (e)], 6. The 77th session of the UN General Assembly First Committee on Disarmament and International Security is scheduled to meet from 3 October-4 November 2022 in New York. Question of Palestine [item 39]: draft resolution The United Nations Credentials Committee is a committee of the United Nations General Assembly whose main purpose is to report to the Assembly regarding the credentials of the body's representatives.. Background. US President Joe Biden addresses the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly on September 21, 2021 in New York. The NUG has told Al Jazeera that 10 of its 17 ministers continue to work in parts of Myanmar that are effectively outside the control of the military. Prime Minister and Minister for Public Enterprises, Kingdom of Tonga (pre-recorded), Her Excellency Fiame Naomi Mataafa, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Independent State of Samoa (pre-recorded), His Excellency Kausea Natano, Prime Minister, Tuvalu (pre-recorded), His Excellency Gaston Alphonso Browne, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Corporate Governance, Antigua and Barbuda (pre-recorded), His Excellency Manasseh Sogavare, Prime Minister, Solomon Islands (pre-recorded), His Excellency Choguel Kokalla Maga, Prime Minister and Head of Government, Republic of Mali, His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, Holy See (pre-recorded), His Excellency Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister, Minister for Community Affairs and Minister for National Digital Affairs, State of Israel, The provisional list of speakers No. UN. Sport for development and peace: building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal [item 12]: Solemn appeal by the President of the General Assembly (A/76/648), 2. Promotion of international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows and strengthen good practices on assets return to foster sustainable development [item 18 (f)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/531/Add.6), 9. Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland, William Bourdon ], 8. (d) Draft resolution (A/76/L.14). India, US on same page on many issues relating to Afghanistan: External Affairs Minister Jaishankar. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: report of the First Committee (A/76/450) [item 106], 16. ], 2. Implementation of human rights instruments [item 74 (a)]: report of the Third Committee (A/76/462/Add.1), 11. The backdrop to this year's 76th UN General Assembly was a world that felt fractured just when we needed to come together against the continued ravages of COVID-19, the accelerating climate emergency, unfolding humanitarian disasters, rising inequality, and much more. Observer status for the International Solar Alliance in the General Assembly: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/497) [item 176], Explanation of vote after the vote continued. Learn how your comment data is processed. The UN General Assembly decided on Tuesday to automatically meet within 10 days, if the veto is used in the Security Council by one of its five permanent members. ], Informal meeting of the plenary to hear a briefing on the report of the Secretary-General on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 24 January 2022, was sent to all permanent represenatives and permanent observers. General and complete disarmament: report of the First Committee (A/76/444) [item 100], 10. Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly: report of the First Committee (A/76/445) [item 101], 11. Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session: report of the First Committee (A/76/446) [item 102], 12. At last years 76th United Nations General Assembly, the NUG-aligned Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun who has held the position since 2018 and was the target of an assassination plot in 2021 remained in Myanmars seat but agreed not to speak at the high-level talks. As a former UN staff for 15+ years, LONG TERMS EFFORTS ARE NEED TO HAVE THEIR SHARES IN, These are two case studies that are worth studying. Culture and sustainable development [item 22 (b)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/534/Add.2), 26. The question now facing U.N. officials comes just over a month after the Taliban . GENERAL ASSEMBLY (76TH SESS. The Mahrra Vidhna Sabh or the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is the lower house of the legislature of the Indian state of Maharashtra.It is situated in the Nariman Point area of South Mumbai in the capital Mumbai.Presently, 288 members of the Legislative Assembly are directly elected from the single-seat constituencies. session of the General Assembly. Credentials are decided by a nine-country committee of UN states, with the United States, Russia and China enjoying permanent membership. Sustainable development [item 20]: draft resolution (A/76/L.68), Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council [item 123]. The UN as an institution could be doing a hell of a lot more and the Secretary-General needs to show a lot more leadership on Myanmar., Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights, agreed not to speak at the high-level talks, supplier of arms to the embattled generals. The UN Security Council, where Russia is one of five countries with the power of veto, has been unable to agree on a global arms embargo for Myanmar, and Russia remains a major supplier of arms to the embattled generals. Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary-General, had told PTI that the letter also indicates that as of August 15, 2021, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani is ousted and [countries across the world] no longer recognise him as president. UN General Assembly First Committee 2022. Each year before the regular session begins, the Office of Legal Affairs recommends a group of candidates to the President of the General Assembly for the Credentials Committee. ], Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization (A/76/1) [item 112], Briefing by the Secretary-General on his priorities for 2022, 2. In July, the generals executed four political opponents, reviving the death penalty, which had not been used since the late 1980s, and prompting outrage in many parts of the world. Crime prevention and criminal justice [item 108]: draft decision (A/76/L.5), 1. Prevention of an arms race in outer space: report of the First Committee (A/76/442) [item 98], 8. 5. Myanmar is yet another story of the dismal dysfunction of the United Nations system.. Delegations wishing to inscribe on the list of speakers for the meeting on 16 March 2022 are invited to contact the General Assembly Affairs Branch (e-mail galindo@un.org), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated14 February 2022 and 1 March 2022, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Ep 62: Malta aims to preserve the legal status of countries facing rising sea levels. (d) Draft resolutions (A/76/L.18 and A/76/L.20), Continuation of the debate on the item as a whole, 1. The UN is not requiring vaccination for participants. ], Informal meeting of the plenary to hear a briefing on the preparations for the high-level meeting of the General Assembly to assess progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021, 19 November 2021 and 28 November 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/472) [item 81], 4. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee, 4. The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict [item 34]: draft resolution (A/76/L.64), Informal meeting of the plenary to consider the report of the Group of Governmental Experts, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 73/304, entitled Towards torture-free trade: examining the feasibility, scope and parameters for possible common international standards., [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 10 June 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. The Taliban have nominated the Doha-based spokesman Shaheen as Afghanistans new Permanent Representative to the UN. Rebecca Barber isResearch Fellow, Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, School of Political Scienceand International Studies, University of Queensland; William Bourdon is a lawyer at the Paris Bar, founding president of Sherpa and president of PPLAF (Platform to Protect Whistle Blowers in Africa); John Dugard is Emeritus Professor of Law, Universities of Leiden and the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and former member of UN International Law Commission and UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories; Baltasar Garzonis a magistrate-judge, lawyer and director of the legal office ILOCA SL (International Legal Organization for Cooperation and Development), Spain; Jared Genser is an international human rights lawyer and Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center;Justice Richard J. Goldstone is founding chief prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and retired Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa; Aryeh Neier is President Emeritus, Open Society Foundations, founding executive director of Human Rights Watch and Distinguished Visiting Professor, Sciences Po, Paris (2012-2017); Dr. SripraphaPetcharamesree is a former Thai representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights; Chris Sidoti is an international human rights lawyer, member of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar and former member of the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar; Nelum Deepika Udagama is a professor of law at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and former chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (2015-20); and Yuyun Wahyuningrum is the representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). : 2021-2022)--OPENING, A/76/251 2 Minute of silent prayer or meditation. Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency [item 91]: (a) Note by the Secretary-General (A/76/232); Crime prevention and criminal justice [item 108]: High-level meeting of the General Assembly on the appraisal of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons (resolution 75/283), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021, 26 October 2021, 29 October 2021, 9 November 2021 and 16 November 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Programme planning: report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (A/76/426) [item 139], 1. Opening of the session by the President of the General Assembly, 3. 3. Reports of the Fifth Committee. Appointment of members of the Joint Inspection Unit [item 117 (g)]: note by the Secretary-General (A/76/365), 4. who are appointed by the General Assembly on the proposal Promoting investments for sustainable development [item 18 (g)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/531/Add.7), 10. Professor of Law, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and Former Chairperson, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (2015-20), Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). Where pre-recorded statements are used, the 15-minute time limit will include remarks in the General Assembly Hall to introduce the pre-recorded message and the message itself. 68 (b) A/76/PV.96. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Advancement of women [item 29]: draft resolution (A/76/L.40) (item 7 to reopen and reallocate item 29: Advancement of women), 2. 2. On September 20, on the eve of the commencement of the high-level UN General Debate, the Secretary-General had received a communication with the letterhead Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated September 20, 2021, signed by Ameer Khan Muttaqi as Minister of Foreign Affairs, requesting to participate in the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on September 21-27, 2021. Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa [item 20 (e)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/533/Add.5), 17. ], Informal meeting (closed) of the plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council. ], Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated21 January 2022,24 January 2022, 8 February 2022, 18 February 2022 and 17 March 2022 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. A/76/251 - Agenda of the 76th session of the General Assembly (17 September 2021) A/BUR/76/1 - Organization of the 76th regular session of the General Assembly, adoption of the agenda and . UN. Afternoon:Continuation of the plenary segment, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated23 December 2021 and 1 March 2022, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE--MEMBERS. Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives [item 74 (c)]: Report of the Third Committee (A/76/462/Add.3, draft resolution V) Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace: report of the First Committee (A/76/437) [item 93], 3. The 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will officially open on Tuesday, with the General Debate - an opportunity for representatives from all 193 member . Follow-up to the second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries [item 23 (b)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/535/Add.2), 30. (A/76/338 and A/76/339), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021 and 29 October 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. The UN Credentials Committee that will review the Taliban's communication in which it nominated Suhail Shaheen as Afghanistan's envoy to the UN is expected to meet next month, with the General Assembly president saying the entire 193-nation strong membership will decide on the matter once the committee submits its findings on who should sit at Kabul's seat in the world body. FILE - The U.N. General Assembly Hall is empty before the start of the U.N. General Assembly 76th session General Debate at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, Sept. 20, 2021. Impasse over countrys representation at global body is hampering efforts to end the crisis caused by the 2021 coup. Operational activities for development of the United Nations system [item 25 (a)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/537/Add.1), 35. Director of the legal office ILOCA SL (International Legal Organization for Cooperation and Development, Spain, Jared Genser Observer status for the Boao Forum for Asia in the General Assembly: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/488) [item 175], 23. Sustainable development [item 20] and Oceans and the law of the sea: Oceans and the law of the sea [item 78 (a)]: draft decision (A/76 /L.44), 5. It was really a misstep and very little if anything was achieved by her trip to Naypyidaw, he told Al Jazeera. As the military moved to crack down on opposition to its rule, the NUG organised into ministries and deepened alliances at home and overseas but UN accreditation, which would allow them to participate fully in the organisation, continues to elude them. GA/12436. Report of the Economic and Social Council [item 9] (A/76/3); note by the Secretary-General (A/76/277); Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields [item 15] - joint debate, 2. 1. The NUG has also said it will appear before the International Court of Justice on behalf of Myanmar regarding charges of genocide committed against the Rohingya in 2017, a move which Phongsathorn says shows the partys commitment to international law and its willingness to participate in the international community. Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance [item 75]: draft decision (A/76/L.71), Informal consultations on the on the Declaration on Future Generations. Prevention of armed conflict [item 35 (a)]: Note by the Secretary-General (A/76/690), Informal briefing by the G20 Co-Sherpa of the Republic of Indonesia, Friday, 1 April 2022 Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly: report of the First Committee (A/76/452) [item 122], 18. : 2020-2021). Election of members of the Economic and Social Council [item 115 (b)] (Continued), 2. Opening of the session by the President of the General Assembly. Oceans and the law of the sea [items 78 (a) and (b)]: Continuation of the debate on the item as a whole and action on the draft resolutions, 1. [1] An example is the Taliban government of Afghanistan. Observer status for the International Trade Union Confederation in the General Assembly: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/487) [item 174], 22. Oceans and the law of the sea [items 78 (a) and (b)]: (a) Report of the Secretary-General (A/76/311 and A/76/311/Add.1) Groups of countries in special situations [item 23]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/535), 28. Informal meeting of the plenary on the priorities of the Secretary-General for 2022, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 5 January 2022 and 11 January 2022, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Election of the President of the General Assembly [item 4], [Drawing of lots by the Secretary-General to determine the Member State which will occupy the first seat in the General Assembly Hall at the seventy-seventh session. Strengthening cooperation for integrated coastal zone management for achieving sustainable development [item 20 (l)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/533/Add.11), 23. It consists of nine members, 44th plenary meeting of the General Assembly. The Committee reports to the Assembly on the credentials of representatives. General and complete disarmament [ item 100]: Report of the First Committee (A/76/444, draft resolutions XXV, XXVIII and XXX) ], His Excellency eljko Komi, Chairman of the Presidency, Bosnia and Herzegovina, His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, King, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (pre-recorded), His Excellency Andry Nirina Rajoelina, President, Republic of Madagascar, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President, Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President, Head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister for Defence, Minister for Technology, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, President of the Council of Ministers, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (pre-reccorded), His Excellency Alejandro Giammattei Falla, President, Republic of Guatemala, His Excellency David Kabua, President, Republic of the Marshall Islands (pre-recorded), Her Excellency Maia Sandu, President, Republic of Moldova, His Excellency Luis Lacalle Pou, President, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Her Excellency Kersti Kaljulaid, President, Republic of Estonia, His Excellency Chandrikapersad Santokhi, President, Republic of Suriname, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, President, Republic of Sierra Leone, High-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (resolutions 75/237 and 75/320), High-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (resolutions 75/237 and 75/320). The international community must provide support to the National Unity Government which is the true representative body of the people of Myanmar. Programme planning: report of the First Committee (A/76/453) [item 139], [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021 and 22 November 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers.]. ], Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly (Resumed: 7th Plenary meeting), Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) [item 5] (Continued): draft resolutions (A/ES-11/L.2; A/ES-11/L.3), [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 21 March 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers.]. Programme budget for 2022 [item 138]: Report of the Fifth Committee (A/76/633/Add.1), 4. The junta has inflicted on its own people what the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar has called a brute force reign of terror, likely amounting to crimes against humanity.
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